“The world had teeth and it could bite you with them anytime it wanted.”
“I got my face close up to the man still standing. I let him understand that there was oodles of danger in me; my head wobbled loose, three ticks off center. This scary face is all them such as me has to show this other world, the world in charge of our world, that musters any authority, gets any reluctant respect at all. If us lower elements didn't show our teeth plenty and act fast to bite, we'd just be soft, loamy dirt anybody could walk on, anytime, and you know they would, too, since even with a show of teeth there's a grassless path worn clear across our brains and backs.”
“- What are those?- Teeth. Wood.- But w...- I like to bite them back.”
“Do what you must,” Alexa repeated as she glared at them. “You might not want to come too close… though… for your own safety…” She gritted her teeth. “Ask Sorien or your colleagues… Didn’t they tell you? I BITE!”
“I want to bite this lip,” he murmurs against my mouth, and carefully he tugs at it with his teeth.”
“When you get kicked in the teeth, chew on it: don't bite back.”