“God is not someone or something separate but is the suchness in each moment, the underlying reality.”
“Love is not dependent on someone or something outside of you. One chooses to be Love in each moment as the moment unfolds, regardless of what happened in that moment.”
“The reality that someone you love has died is its own tragedy. But it's separate, isn't it, from the way it happened?”
“We are meant to discover that we are powerful creators, if not of our entire reality, at least of our experience of reality. We aren't responsible for what each moment holds, but we are responsible for our experience of each moment because we have the power to make any moment heaven or hell.”
“In that moment, we were the same, each of us destroyed by our limited understanding of reality.”
“She had a stare that stretched to infinity. She was, in that moment, not my mother but something separate from me.”