“If you can dream it, it's plausible. If you can think it, it's possible. If you can draw it, you can conceive it. If you can believe it, you can achieve it.”
“If you think you can - you can !If you think you can not - you can not !And either way........you are right !”
“if you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it”
“ If you can walk you can dance, and if you can talk you can sing.”
“Do all the good you can,By all the means you can,In all the ways you can,In all the places you can,At all the times you can,To all the people you can,As long as ever you can.”
“A book can teach you, a conversation can assure you, a poem can seduce you, a genius can inspire you but only you can save yourself.”