“It's a little dense, don't you think, to antagonize the strongest vampire in the house?' Emmett threw his head back and snorted. 'PLEASE!' [...] I took a deep breath. 'Emmett, how do you feel about a little bet?' He was on his feet at once. 'Awesome. Bring it.”
“Woo!" Emmett suddenly boomed in his deep bass. "Go Gators!"Jacob and Charlie jumped. The rest of us froze. Charlie recovered, then looked at Emmett over his shoulder. "Florida winning?""Just scored the first touchdown," Emmett confirmed. He shot a look in my direction, wagging his eyebrows like a villain in vaudville. "'Bout time somebody scored around here.”
“My dad mumbled something unintelligible."Woo!" Emmett suddenly boomed in his deep bass. "Go Gators!"Jacob and Charlie jumped. The rest of us froze. Charlie recovered, then looked at Emmett over his shoulder. "Florida winning?""Just scored the first touchdown," Emmett confirmed. He shot a look in my direction, wagging his eyebrows like a villain in vaudeville. "'Bout time somebody scored around here.”
“Emmett thought about that for a moment. 'You really... love her?''I can't even describe it, Emmett. All of a sudden, this girl's the whole world to me. I don't see the point of the rest of the world without her anymore”
“He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Okay, would you like pizza?""I don't think you deserve my company but I feel sorry for you so I'll say yes.""God help me," he said, half under his breath.”
“How did you know to turn back?" I said.With his head still down, he said, "I waited for you.""But its a race. Why did you wait for me?"He lifted his head so that his eyes met mine. "I always wait for you." He took a deep breath, my ankle still in his hands. "I'm always waiting for you."In an embarrassingly breathless voice that didn't sound like my own, I said, "Because I'm so slow?"He smiled. "Yes. But not in the way that you think.”