“Too young,too young,she chanted to herself.Wrong,of course.I was older than her grandfather but according to my driver's license,she was right.”
“She was not too young to be wise, but she was too young to know that wisdom shouldn't be spoken aloud when you are happy.”
“She's too young. Too innocent.Too human. For what I'm becoming.”
“Her grief is still too young to behave itself, so she never lets it out.”
“In adolescence she thought it was too early to choose; now, in young adulthood, she was convinced it was too late to change.”
“From Cherish Tomorrow ... “I want you,” she said softly.His jaw became rigid with disapproval. “I’m too damned old for you.”“You’re perfect.” She touched the hardness of one cheek with loving fingers.“You’re too young for me!”She shrugged. “I’ll get older.” ”