“Doubt, Master Liu always said, is death.”
“Fuck Master Liu! He's some ascetic who counts snowflakes on a mountain in China and dips his balls in ice water for the hell of it. You're not Liu. You live in the real world”
“And Master--or Mister--Sloppy?' said the Secretary, in doubt whether he was man, boy, or what.”
“The only hope I have left for you hangs on a great doubt - the doubt whether we are, or are not, the masters of our own destinies. It may be that mortal free-will can conquer mortal fate; and that going, as we all do, inevitably to death, we go inevitably to nothing that is before death.”
“I’m saying there is evil in the world,” Master Kit said, hefting the box on his hip, “and doubt is the weapon that guards against it.”
“Life is doubt,And faith without doubt is nothing but death.”