“Communicating with the federal government is like talking to a computer that's crashing.”
“They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program.”
“The federal government did not create the states; the states created the federal government.”
“It is true that liberty is not free, nor is it easy. But tyranny - even varying degrees of it - is much more difficult, and much more expensive. The time has come to rein in the federal government, put it on a crash diet, and let the people keep their money and their liberty.”
“"I feel certain that Conservatism is through unless Conservatives can demonstrate and communicate the difference between being concerned with [the unemployed, the sick without medical care, human welfare, etc.] and believing that the federal government is the proper agent for their solution.”
“There's a good part of Computer Science that's like magic. Unfortunately there's a bad part of Computer Science that's like religion.”