“The flavor is not the important element. What really matters is the water. If th pitcher (Christian) is filled with water (Jesus), the flavor (personality) of th tea doesn't really matter. Some people will be drawn to Christ because of the appeal of one flavor, while other unsaved people will be more receptive to anothr. As long as they receive the Water of LIfe, what difference does the flavor make?”
“What matters in literature in the end is surely the idiosyncratic, the individual, the flavor or the color of a particular human suffering. ”
“"Sarge, mr. Nurd here is threatening to turn me to jelly.""really?" said Sarge. "what flavor?”
“So long as man is man, variety will still be the flavor of life.”
“My goal is to draw a line with some 'flavor' to it.”
“They can't even decide what flavor of crazy I am.”