“The world's not falling apart imperceptibly anymore, these days it makes a loud shredding noise!”
“That which came together will fall apart imperceptibly slowly, and I will forget, but she will forgive my forgetting, just as I forgave her for forgetting me”
“It was strange how loud the world was when you weren't filling it up with your own noise.”
“The world will not fall apart.”
“My world is falling apart.”
“The falling apart of a man's life should make more noise. It should startle passesrby with its Sturm and Drang. It ought to sound like the Parthenon crashing down. Not this ordinary, everyday kind of quiet...He closed his eyes...And still it was quiet, this falling apart of his life, as silent as the last beat of an old man's heart. A quiet, echoing thud, and then...nothing.”