“A corollary of this has been that Christians have thought that they should only create art with a Pollyanna quality to it: paintings of birds and kittens, movies that extol family life and end happily, songs that are positive and uplifting – in short, works of art that show a world that is almost unfallen where no one experiences conflict and where sin is naughty rather than wicked.”
“To create works of art meant no less to him than to paint life, not mere reality, but the principle of life.”
“Surely all art is the result of one's having been in danger, of having gone through an experience all the way to the end, where no one can go any further.”
“Art only begins where Imitation ends.”
“Art begins with resistance—at the point where resistance is overcome. No human masterpiece has ever been created without great labor.”
“Our senses and emotions are the great source of inspiration for creating compelling and interesting art pieces (books included). Each art piece, be it a book, a song, a painting, a photograph or a product should touch our senses and evoke emotions. Emotionless art lacks purpose and interest.”