“River Song: Right then. I have questions, but number one is this - what in the name of sanity have you got on your head? The Doctor: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.”
“De repente do riso fez-se o prantoSilencioso e branco como a brumaE das bocas unidas fez-se a espumaE das mãos espalmadas fez-se o espanto.De repente da calma fez-se o ventoQue dos olhos desfez a última chamaE da paixão fez-se o pressentimentoE do momento imóvel fez-se o drama.De repente, não mais que de repenteFez-se de triste o que se fez amanteE de sozinho o que se fez contente.Fez-se do amigo próximo o distanteFez-se da vida uma aventura erranteDe repente, não mais que de repente.”
“Is anyone ever really the same after being pushed through an opening the size of a donut hole only to end up wearing a fez?”
“Inchallah" (God willing.)- MISCHIEF IN FEZ”
“He could wear hats. He could wear an assortment of hats of different shapes and styles. Boater hats, cowboy hats, bowler hats. The list went on. Pork-pie hats, bucket hats, trillbies and panamas. Top hats, straw hats, trapper hats. Wide brim narrow brim, stingy brim. He could wear a fez. Fezzes were cool. Hadn't someone once said that fezzes were cool? He was pretty aur ether had. And they were. They were cool.”