“Burn down the discoHang the blessed D.J.Because the music that they constantly playIt says nothing to me about my life”
“It's impossible for me to say one word about all that music has meant to me in my life. How, then, can I hope to be understood?”
“No matter what these people say about me, my music doesn't glorify any image. My music is spiritual when you listen to it. It's all about emotion, I tell my innermost, darkest secrets.”
“Often people ask, "How can you say you're blessed to have a son with Down syndrome?" My outlook on life has forever changed. I see my own challenges differently. He's always showing me that life is so much bigger than self.”
“How does one say in the jargon of musicology that my sould was pulled out of me and thrown up in the air, to be tossed about by the music. How does one say that I breathed, that I existed, in harmony with the ups and downs of those notes. What kind of notes both elevate and cast down, exalt and crush?”
“What is true about music is true about life: that beauty reveals everything because it expresses nothing.”