“I read somewhere once that soulmates are simply two people who recognize the damage in each other but the truth is that there's a lot more to it than that. Sometimes, I used to joke with Ashling that we were like Elliot and E.T. because most of the time we thought the same thoughts and we felt the same emotions. Ashling would laugh and say that as long as she could be Elliot, she wouldn't argue with me.”
“Librarian: taking the E.T. out of Libertarian.”
“And still others heard: dreeeple zoonnnnnnggggggg ummmmmtwrrrdssssCalling from the beyondWhatever it was, it touched E.T.'s healing finger, and caused it to glow.He healed himself.”
“I call masturbating “Gregging,” named not after a man named Greg, but a guy named Dave.”
“For that sun, which we see rising every day, rises at His command… - Greg Tobin, The Wisdom of St. Patrick from St. Patrick’s Confession”