“There are two kind of people in the world: Those who smell horse and go 'pee-yew', and those who smell horse and go 'mmmmm'.”
“That's what I want, that kind of recklessness where the poem is even ahead of you. It's like riding a horse that's a little too wild for you, so there's this tension between what you can do and what the horse decides it's going to do.”
“When the horse gives a little, praise a lot. Love and kindness are both the method and the reward. What you give is what you get back. You must be quiet to hear them speak. Everything in sequence. Always work the horse in the same spot. It's like his desk in school. Always end on a good note. Wean the horse off treats quickly.”
“Saint Bo, a man christened with the miraculous ability to gentle horses, nervous women, and one year olds.”
“I'd like to have the kind of house someday where a carousel horse wouldn't be out of place in the living room.”