“Dear Government... I'm going to have a serious talk with you if I ever find anyone to talk to.”
“Did anyone ever tell you that you're completely inappropriate?""They have. And you know, I had a little talk with myself about it. It turns out I'm cool with it.”
“I don't understand you, darling!That's what I'm talking about, dear!”
“If we survive this, I'm going to have a very serious talk with the techs back home about what constitutes "need to know.”
“I thought all the way back to when I was a kid, not being able to tell anyone, not even my parents, about who I really was. I never had anyone to talk to, and I never looked to anyone to talk to -- because I didn't want to talk about it. If you're young and questioning and not able to voice it in safety, find a gay person in your community who you trust and respect, and get to know him and talk it all through with him. Find the big brother or the parent that you don't have at home and ask him to guide you and help you sort out all the emotions.”
“Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.”