“It took me years to realize that I could do all kinds of drastic acts like quitting jobs, relationships, towns (or all of the above), but what showed up at the next job, relationship, & town was still ME.”
“Let's quit our jobs and fuck all day.""Works for me. Think somebody will subsidize that? Maybe we could apply for some kind of research grant," she said.”
“Part of me could do it. Run off and get married. But another part... Another part of me wondered if I could really trust anyone. If all relationships were all doomed.”
“Pardon me Mam,I'm new in town, could you please show me the way to your house?”
“She knew breaking up with Ethan was going to be a full-time job because being in a relationship with him had also been a full-time job.”
“I will tell you what war is. War is a psychosis caused by an inability to see relationships. Our relationship with our fellowmen. Our relationship with our economic and historical situation. And above all our relationship to nothingness, to death.”