“And at the last all shall be safe, and evil thrust out never to return. And so that the trust be kept, he said, I give it into your charge, and your sons', and your sons' sons, until the day come.”
“Rather than argue, Amanda smiled at him. “And then what will you do while your son or daughter is in charge of your store and your companies?” “I’ll spend my days and nights pleasing you,” he said. “It’s a challenging occupation, after all.” He laughed and dodged as she went to swat his attractive backside.”
“Son,' my father said to me, 'someday this will all be yours.”
“Someday son all this will be yours. Father and son atop a garbage dump.”
“Where are your sons?" asked the prince."Well, it's not so easy to give an answer when you ask a stupid question!" said the woman.”
“You can know someone all your life, like your parents or family, but I’ll tell you this, Ned. There’s an expression on their face, or a tone in their voice, or a way they walk, that you’ve never ever seen before.Like they’ve kept it hidden. Until their brother dies. Or their son. I remember those days and they were like these strangers and I wanted to say, Who are you people?”