“Nothing natural could cause this kind of fear. It goes beyond a fear of physical harm and into the realm of mental and spiritual. Like the fear of losing your sanity, of losing your soul.”
“Be fearless. What the hell, why not. You have nothing to lose except fear, which isn’t yours anyway.”
“I fear that I am losing my mind. But really, it would not be such a precious thing to lose, as it only causes me pain.”
“The only person who fears nothing is one who has nothing to lose.”
“[...] nothing comes from comfort but the fear of losing it, and that's exactly where my generation made its big mistake. Yet discomfort's no good either. There's just no winning, is there? Do it one way and lose your soul; do it the other way and lose your livelihood. You guys who run the world, you've got all the bases covered.”
“Losing your family... it puts fear in a different perspective, Chase had once told me.”