“A man is like a novel: until the very last page you don't know how it will end. Otherwise it wouldn't even be worth reading.”
“A person is like a novel: Up to the very last page you don't know how it's going to end. Otherwise, there'd be no point in reading...”
“[Life] wasn't a fairy tale, and it didn't have a happy ending--but then again, no story did. In the end everybody dies... But you can be happy right up until the last page...”
“Probably a good idea, let me know how it ends""I already know how it ends""You read the ending first?""I always read the ending before I commit to the whole book.""If you know how it ends, why read the book?""I don't read for the ending. I read for the story".”
“Stories never really end...even if the books like to pretend they do. Stories always go on. They don't end on the last page, any more than they begin on the first page.”