“How many small decisions accumulate to form a habit? What a multitude of decisions, made by others, in other times, must shape our lives now.”
“Many decisions are made in our lifetime, Most relatively insignificant while others life altering”
“Some of our struggles involve making decisions, while others are a result of the decisions we have made. Some of our struggles result from choices others make that affect our lives. We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond. Many struggles come as problems and pressures that sometimes cause pain. Others come as temptations, trials, and tribulations.”
“It is not so much the major events as the small day-to-day decisions that map the course of our living. . . Our lives are, in reality, the sum total of our seemingly unimportant decisions and of our capacity to live by those decisions.”
“So many things shape our lives, our choices, our decisions, but in the end we make our own destiny. – Jack Maguire (hero)”
“Our daily words and actions lead to decisions, our decisions create habits, and our habits create our future selves.”