“... a hunger that is more than simply material connects the human who feeds the chickens to the chickens that feed the humans.”
“Should we only look ourselves?' Rehman said finally. 'Aren't humans better than animals who think only of their own hunger and thirst and feed just their own children?”
“Physically there is nothing to distinguish human society from the farm-yard except that children are more troublesome and costly than chickens and calves and that men and women are not so completely enslaved as farm stock.”
“Freedom - that word that the human spirit feeds: that no one can explain, and anyone who does not understand.”
“Chickens can do many things, but they cannot make sophisticated deals with humans.”
“The promise of aspiration is that it is evolutionary. The human condition is such that we are always aspiring to be something more, something better, something nobler. It starts as a thought, a want, a need, or a desire and then grows and evolves with intention and direction, upward with lust and hunger. The continued drive feeds the rise.”