“My glass is not only half-full, it holds five-hundred-dollar-a-bottle Dom Perignon champagne.”
“Even for those who dislike champagne, myself among them, there are two champagnes one can't refuse: Dom Perignon and the even superior Cristal, which is bottled in a natural-colored glass that displays its pale blaze, a chilled fire of such prickly dryness that, swallowed, seems not to have been swallowed at all, but instead to have turned to vapors on the tongue and burned there to one damp sweet ash.”
“What did Dom Perignon say to fellow monks after he invented champagne? ... Come quickly, I am tasting the stars.”
“[My mum] was always like that: grateful for life itself. Her glass was not only half full, it was gold plated with a permanent refill.”
“Shoot. I feel guilty for peeing. That first bottle of wine alone was almost two hundred dollars.”
“The glass is not half empty; it is half full.”