“Come below for a moment. Please.”“Zephyr, I don’t have time t—”“Bradshaw, do me the courtesy of at least looking at me when I’m talking to you, or I shall punch you in the nose.”His lean jaw twitched, but he folded his arms across his chest and faced her. “What is it, then?”She took a deep breath. This would have been so much easier in a more intimate setting and if he wasn’t glaring at her. “Shaw, I just wanted to say—that is, I mean—I . . . I love you.”Something crossed his expression so swiftly that she couldn’t decipher it. But then he very obviously scowled. At her. “You’re only saying that now because I bullied you into it.”Oh, that was enough of that. “Idiot. You have no idea how much considering I’ve been doing. And you have never bullied me into anything. I said I love you because I love you.”He hesitated again. “Very well. Thank you. Now you won’t have to worry that you drove me to my death if I don’t return.”Zephyr narrowed her eyes. “All you did was say you loved me and then run away. I’m standing here saying it back to you, and all you can do is try to make me into a liar. It’s your fault, for surprising me. I don’t keep a response to that sort of thing in my pocket, ready for use.”“I know that. And I said thank you.”

Suzanne Enoch

Suzanne Enoch - “Come below for a moment...” 1

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