“I feel angry but not homocidal; this may be unlooked-for progress.”
“I didn't know whether to feel angry at her for making me part of her suicide or just to feel angry at myself for letting her go.”
“I am suffocated and lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression.”
“To understand the nature of the Revolution we must call it "progress"; and we may define progress by the word "tomorrow".”
“I know I shouldn't feel guilty for being angry sometimes, or bitter" "Knowing something is beans.”
“See this? I wrote this piece two years ago, after my parents died. I was angry. I was hurt. I wrote down exactly what I was feeling. When I read it now, I don't share those same feelings. Do I regret writing it? No. Because there's a chance that someone in this very room may relate to this. It might mean something to them.”