“A good practice carried to an extreme and worked in accordance with the letter of the law becomes a positive evil.”
“According to the laws of nature, one should destroy the other, but in love neither good nor evil, there is neither construction nor destruction, there is merely movement. And love changes the laws of nature.”
“Extreme good, extreme evil: the abilities required are similar.”
“Karma is simply the law of cause and effect. If you plant an apple seed, you don’t a get a mango tree. If we practice hatred or greed, it becomes our way and the world responds accordingly. If we practice awareness or loving-kindness, it becomes our way and the world responds accordingly.""We are heirs to the results of our actions, to the intentions we bring to every moment we initiate. We make ripples upon the ocean of the universe through our very presence.”
“Good laws left to the interpretation of evil men are no longer good.”
“The Law of Attraction is a theory. Cosmic Ordering is a practice putting that theory to work.”