“What's your name?” When she said nothing, he sighed. “You'll find that cooperating will go a long way with me.”“Fine,” she bit out. “It's Sela.”"See? That didn't hurt, did it?” He pushed to his feet, giving her the opportunity she needed.Rolling, she swung her legs out, caught him in the knees...and he went down like a log. Granted, he was up again in a heartbeat, snarling with fury, but still, it felt good to give him a good whack.“You can't help it, can you?” he snapped. “You keep doing stupid things.”“You keep pissing me off!”He blinked. And then he laughed, and good Lord, the man was drop-dead, fucking gorgeous when he did that.-Logan and Sela”

Sydney Croft

Sydney Croft - “What's your name?” When she said...” 1

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