“You don't have to seduce me, you know. I"m a sure thing."~Tommy aka "Ender”
“I've thought about how you'd taste," he said, in a low, guttural voice, and she whimpered, arched against his mouth."Jesus," he panted. "It's like a fucking drug."~Tommy aka "Ender”
“Aren't you worried I'll escape?"He reached out, grabbed her wrist and brought her hand to his crotch. Then he smiled. "No. I"m not worried, honey. You seem to know what side your bread is buttered on."~Tommy aka "Ender”
“So you want someone else, then?" he asked."Yes. Anyone but you." She jerked her bound hands. "And that kills you, doesn't it?""Keep talking like that, Kira, and I swear I'll take you over my knee."~Tommy aka "Ender”
“He saw the tears running down her cheeks, knew there was still more than a little resistance in her gait, but she'd just saved herself. And maybe, somehow, she'd saved him a little too.~Tommy aka "Ender”