“Ah, that's it...how a team is...It is not just protecting them. What protects you is your team as well. It's not like ther isn't a team where they don't support each other. Each one supports one another and...A team is born. Tha's why...I won't waver anymore." ~ Kiyoshi Teppei”
“Don't be ashamed of your Team failures. Be ashamed for not supporting them through it.”
“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”
“If their hearts get fragile, I'll become their support. If they are threatened, I'll become their shield. I'll sacrifice myself any day to protect everyone. That's why I came back!!" ~ Kiyoshi Teppei”
“If a team is to reach its potential, each player must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team.”
“The paper was stiff. In red ink were the words HYENAS & TWIN TOWERS, and a game plan that called for the other team's good player to be triple-teamed while the two remaining defenders stayed under the basket, one on each block, to rebound the misses of the other team's bad players.”