“Invisible guns, huh?" Kenji smirks. "That's cute. I don't think I ever went through that phase.”
“The first group I went to, there were introductions: this is Alice, this is Brenda, this is Dover. Everyone smiles with that invisible gun to their head.”
“Kincaid, evidently exhausted himself, drew a gun, took the safety off, placed it on his chest, and went to sleep too."It's cute," I whispered to Murphy. "He has a teddy Glock.”
“Gokudera: Anyway I don't like that guy.Tsuna: Huh? Why not?Gokudera: Anyone older than me is my enemy.Tsuna: [shocked - thinking to himself] God! That's alot of enemies!”
“Are you all right?""Oh my god! I phased!""Are you all right?""Are you?""It was strange.""I can't believe I phased just then! That's never...it was totally your fault.""I like to think so, yes.""Tee hee.”
“My imagination? No, I don't think it's VIVID at all. On the contrary, it's not nearly potent enough. My poor imaginative faculties have always needed...extentions. That's why I'm here with you. You're smiling again, or rather you're SMIRKING. Funny word, smirk. Rather like an extraterrestrial surname. Simon Smirk. How do you think that sounds?”