“Stefan shook his head. Th' lad's got guts , he thought. Not much sense, but guts. ”
“I've got the guts to die. What I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?”
“He was insane, he thought people were trying to destroy him, to suck out his guts, but, she noted, in the rare event that someone was trying to destroy you, to suck out your guts, insanity was a goodly metaphysics.”
“I go by the gut. I might not appear to have any talent but I've got plenty of gut instinct.”
“Disgust was an organ in Hunt's gut. The more he thought about it, the more it churned.”
“Find Eloy. Smack his head into a wall, dance on his guts... I'd get creative. Spontaneous like.”