“Only someone you know is going to assume you know them by saying 'it's me.' It's strangers who use names, since they know you don't know who they are."I'm terrified to think that that almost made sense.”
“I was thinking about this tonight, actually, that maybe I want strangers to think I'm cool since people who actually know me don't.”
“It's not only who you know but who knows you.”
“I don't know what I'd do without you. There's no one else to look after me. And it's not just that. I sometimes think you're the only person who really knows me. I only feel normal when I'm with you.”
“Know the men who follow you and let them know you. Don't ask your men to die for a stranger.”
“It's amazing how right you can be about a person you don't know; it's only the people you do know who confuse you.”