“I've learned to choose my allies carefully and believe in them once I've made my choice.”
“But I've already broken the glass; I've given the green away; I've made my choice.”
“I don't regret any of the decisions I've made in my life because with every choice I make, I learn something new.”
“I've made mistakes. More than my share. Hopefully, I've learned from them, but can't guarentee anything. There's only one thing I can promise. I'm taking this to the end."-Bobby Pendragon”
“At this stage of my life, I've finally come to realize I've learned more from my children than they ever learned from me.”
“I am who I am firstly because of genetics, and, running a very close second, because of choices: ones my parents made, such as choosing to emigrate to America; ones their parents made, like my Papa Butler opting to ignore medical advice and instead warming my mum in the oven to keep her alive; and very conscious ones that I've made for myself.”