“Tis no matter. just as long as you are here now”
“In your heart, in your bones, no matter how silly you know it is, you feel that everything has been leading tothis, all the secret arrows were pointing here, the universe and time itself crafted this long ago, and you are just now realizing it, you are just nowarriving at the place you were always meant to be.”
“Tis a well-known fact that a man is either skilled in matters of loving or matters of war. ’Tis obvious that fighting is your skill.”
“Money! Ho, ho!'T'as been my want so long, 'tis now my scoff.I've e'en forgot what colour silver's of.”
“Infinite possibilities. And none of them matter. What matters is here and now.”
“Here you go on this long long dream. Don't even try to wake up. Just let it go on until it is over. You will learn many things. Just relax and observe because there is pain and that's it mostly and you aren't going to be able to escape no matter what. Eventually it will all be over anyway. Good luck.”