“a king can only work with his best tools.”
“For surely a king is first a man. And so it must follow that a king does as all men do: the best he can.”
“The expectations of life depend upon diligence the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools. ”
“Soetsu Yanagi, in the "Unknown Craftsman", writes, "Man is most free when his tools are proportionate to his needs." For example, for optimal productivity, a carpenter needs woodworking tools and an environment conducive to his work, not a steam shovel or army tank.”
“A king had best know the names of his enemies, don’t you think?”
“The human being is a very poorly designed machine tool. The human being excels in coordination. He excels in relating perception to action. He works best if the entire human being, muscles, senses, and mind, is engaged in the work.”