“I'm sure you were mistaken," Yaicha says to her brush.My ears pin back -"MISTAKEN?I know who Angie is, Yaicha.I know who our father is, Yaicha. He hurts people, he hurts you, you never do anything!" My claws scrape the wall paint.She turns with soft rabbit eyes. "He'll kill me.""He's already doing that!"I am growling, grabbing her sleeve, "Every day, every day he rips you open,chips off pieces week by week, till a few years from now you are not even a mouthful of sawdust.A drawn-out killing.Well, I'm tired of all of us doing nothing. He has to be stopped."Yaicha's eyes have flinched a few times but soften again. "Nobody can stop him."My teeth show."Nobody can stop him? Good.To him I have always been Nobody.”

Thalia Chaltas

Thalia Chaltas - “I'm sure you were mistaken," Yaicha...” 1

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