“personal well-being serves solely to excavate within your soul a chasm which waits to be filled by a landslide of dread, an empty mold whose peculiar dimensions will one day manufacture the shape of your unique terror”
“Shape me, mold, manufacture me, and tell me that I'm beautiful.”
“All that humans create serves solely to lessen the terror of existence.”
“I like that the Mall serves as our national Tuppaware, reliable and empty, waiting to be filled with potluck whatever.”
“People think loneliness is absence. It isn't. It's a filling up, a rising, spilling tide that crashes into every gully and chasm of your mind and soul until you're choked with emptiness, awash with desolation, thrashing in the foam of it, reaching for a hand to hold and yet finding no hand, no refuge, no comfort.”
“Your emptiness is but the preparation for your being filled, and your casting down is but the making ready for your lifting up.”