“Poets are regarded as handicapped writers whose work must be treated with a tender condescension, such as one accords the athletic achievements of basketball players confined to wheelchairs.”
“We aren't suggesting that mental instability or unhappiness makes one a better poet, or a poet at all; and contrary to the romantic notion of the artist suffering for his or her work, we think these writers achieved brilliance in spite of their suffering, not because of it.”
“You parents and you families whose lives must be reordered because of a handicapped one, whoseresources and time must be devoted to them, are special heros. You are manifesting the works of Godwith every thought, with every gesture of tenderness and care you extend to the handicapped loved one.Never mind the tears nor the hours of regret and discouragement; never mind the times when you feelyou cannot stand another day of what is required. You are living the principles of the Gospel of JesusChrist in exceptional purity. And you perfect yourself in the process”, 6 April 1991”
“We all have handicaps. The difference is that some of us must reveal ours, while others must conceal theirs, to be treated with mercy.”
“Earl "The Goat" Manigault was probably the greatest basketball player of all time, but Michael Jordan is universally regarded as the best ever. This is because The Goat only did it at Rucker Park, while Michael did it where it mattered: in front of the world.”
“I have a handicap on the golf course like you wouldn’t believe. It’s more than a limp, and less than a wheelchair.”