“Bailing out people who made ill-advised mortgages makes no more sense that bailing out people who lost their life savings in Las Vegas casinos.”
“Most people don't want to be saved. Besides, if you keep bailing everybody out, they'll never learn to paddle on their own.”
“I'm a substitute mom.""You're more like a crazy aunt who only gets called when somebody needs bailing out of jail.”
“People succeed or fail on the merits in America, not on who theyknow or whose reelection campaign they supported. This absolutelyAmerican principle must be reestablished and permanently fortified.There can be no more “too big to fail.” If you are reckless, greedy,and arrogant, the American taxpayer should not bail you out.”
“you can plan so that nothing goes wrong in life. But something will, and it won't be what you expected to go wrong. So make sure you're with someone who will help you bail the water out of the boat, not someone who will blame you for the hole.”
“For people who dealt largely in dreams, his father was fond of observing, realtors were a surprisingly unromantic bunch, like card counters in a Vegas casino.”