“The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children on earth as can one human being broken on the wheels of living.”
“Without your wounds where would your power be? It is your melancholy that makes your low voice tremble into the hearts of men and women. The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children on earth as can one human being broken on the wheels of living. In Love’s service, only wounded soldiers can serve. Physician, draw back.”
“Human beings -- human children especially -- seldom deny themselves the pleasure of exercising a power which they are conscious of possessing, even though that power consist only in a capacity to make others wretched”
“When one lives without fear, one cannot be broken. When one lives with fear one is broken before one begins to live.”
“Children can be very early taught...that they can hereafter find their chief happiness in giving up their will to God, and in living to do good to others, instead of living merely to please themselves.”
“There is no fear. Absolutely no fear. When one lives without fear, one cannot be broken. When one lives with fear one is broken before one begins to live.”