“Everyone feels that void. Everyone who has the balls to look inside themselves, anyway. It's what life's all about.. A search.”
“It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
“We all want to be loved, don't we? Everyone looks for a way of finding love. It's a constant search for affection in every walk of life.”
“Well, that's what everyone wants, isn't it? Even these people who go out and have their noses shaved down to pencil erasers, and who get implants, and fillers, and who Botox their faces into immobility, they're all in search of the miracle that's going to make them feel like..." She searched for the word. "Like themselves.”
“I'm sure that inside your heart you're trying with all your might to find it on your own... the reason you were born. Because really, there might not be anyone who was born with a reason. I think... that everyone... everyone might have to find one on their own. A reason for being born, a reason that it's okay to be alive, a reason to exist. I think everyone might have to find it themselves... and decide it for themselves... The reason you're looking for might be vague, unclear and uncertain. And you might lose it. But as long as you're alive, you have to keep searching for that reason.”
“A man who wants to die feels angry and full of life and desperate and bored and exhausted, all at the same time; he wants to fight everyone, and he wants to curl up in a ball and hide in a cupboard somewhere. He wants to say sorry to everyone, and he wants everyone to know just how badly they've all let him down.”