“Finally, consider your predicament a privilege in a world so shrunken that certain people refer to it as the 'global village.' The term 'explorer' has little meaning. But exploration is nothing more than a faray into the unknown, and a four-year old child, wandering about along in the department store, fits the definition as well as the snow-blind man wandering across the Khyber Pass. The explorer is the person who is lost.”
“If you are a parent, open doors to unknown directions to the child so he can explore. Don't make him afraid of the unknown,give him support. ”
“Your own exploration therefore has to be personalized; you're doing it for yourself, increasing your own store of particular knowledge, walking your own eccentric version of the city. ”
“Montessori called the child under six years old "a sensorial explorer" and based her educational approach for the child's early years upon the child's learning through the senses.”
“We are, always, poets, exploring possibilities of meaning in a world which is also all the time exploring possibilities.”
“The greatest happiness for the thinking person is to have explored the explorable and to venerate in equanimity that which cannot be explored.”