“Shit, he said as a great, green glut of water poured up at our feet. I wonder what the ordinary people are doin today.”
“Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doin them with the right people.(Elizabeth Green)”
“What do we talk about? Just ordinary things. What happened today, or books we've read, or tomorrow's weather, you know. Don't tell me you're wondering if people jump to their feet and shout stuff like 'It'll rain tomorrow if a polar bear eats the stars tonight!”
“People look for greatness only in the extraordinary and completely overlook the wonder of the ordinary.”
“I gave you up once. It killed me. it was figuratively but it still killed me. I’m not doin’ that shit again.”
“there on the beaches of Normandy I began to reflect on the wonders of these ordinary people whose lives were laced with the markings of greatness.”