“Bullies want to isolate you, so they can torment you & then make you feel bad about yourself when you want to tell someone. Don't listen to their head games. When you're sick you always tell someone. So if bullies make you feel bad and sick, tell somebody too!Bullying Ben”
“A bully can only make you feel bad about yourself if you let them.”
“Little lies that make people feel better are not bad, like thanking someone for a meal they made even if you hated it, or telling a sick person they look better when they don't, or someone with a hideous new hat that it's lovely. But to yourself you must tell the truth”
“Bullys are just being mean because they are just jelous of you and they have nothing better to do. so if you someone that is getting bullyed go see an groun up, and stand up for your self. Dont let anyone tell you that you cant stand up for you self because your too small, to weak, or anythink like that. so band bullying from all schools, and out of school. And keep your head high and sick through it. you will get throught it, i promess." =)”
“Ben Says: Life can either be all about LOVE (Good vibrations) or HATE (Bad vibrations)...You make the decision!:) Timothy Pina Bullying Ben”
“When you want something so bad it hurts,” he said quietly, “and you bury it, bury it so deep that you convince yourself it no longer matters . . . and someone tells you you can have it, it's terrifying. What if you take the chance and you're wrong? What if you let yourself feel the loss and it's this huge pain and you can't put it back in the box?”