“Everyone has a hidden agenda. Except me!”
“Nondisclosure agreements and exclusivity agreements. Think like a corporation, lady. They've proven much better at enslaving the masses and pushing home their agenda than all of the terrorists in the history the human race put together.”
“It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it.”
“. . . my underlying, not-so-hidden agenda is to help enhance and enrich the encounter of the museum-goer with enduring objects, in a time when we all seem to be assailed by random noise and flickering images.”
“People can be so annoying sometimes. With all their stupid opinions and hidden agendas. But dogs? Dogs don’t have any agendas. They’re as honest and open and devoted as you can get. And that’s why they’ll always cheer you up. They’ll always love you. No matter how badly you screw up.”