“Political correctness is a delusional subdivision of society that believes it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the "clean end.”
“Political realism believes that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. In order to improve society it is first necessary to understand the laws by which society lives. The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences, men will challenge them only at the risk of failure.Realism, believing as it does in the objectivity of the laws of politics, must also believe in the possibility of developing a rational theory that reflects, however imperfectly and one-sidedly, these objective laws. It believes also, then, in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion — between what is true objectively and rationally, supported by evidence and illuminated by reason, and what is only a subjective judgment, divorced from the facts as they are and informed by prejudice and wishful thinking.”
“The political correctness of diversity as a core value essentially cheats some children out of their right to be fully engaged in American society.”
“A political society does not live to conduct foreign policy; it would be more correct to say that it conducts foreign policy in order to live.”
“When suave politeness, tempering bigot zeal, corrected 'I believe' to 'one does feel'. ”
“Believe me, Athelstan, you can wrap a dog's turd in a cloth of gold but it remains a dog's turd.”