“Fabulous. If you possess it, you don’t need to ask what it is. When you attempt to delineate it, you move away from it. Fabulous is one of those words that provide a measure of the degree to which a person or event manifests a particular oppressed subculture’s most distinctive, invigorating features. What are the salient features of fabulousness? Irony. Tragic History. Defiance. Gender-fuck. Glitter. Drama. It is not butch. It is not hot. The cathexis surrounding fabulousness is not necessarily erotic. The fabulous is not delineated by age or beauty. It is raw materials reworked into illusion. To be truly fabulous, one must completely triumph over tragedy, age, and physical insufficiencies. The fabulous is the rapturous embrace of difference, the discovering of self not in that which has rejected you but in that which makes you unlike, the dislike, the other.”
“You can't tag,remember? Which makes me the other half of our fabulous bagging-and-tagging duo.”
“You and I are way to fabulous to be ordinary.”
“I'm sorry, but you just can't fit fabulous into a backpack.”
“The loner who looks fabulous is one of the most vulnerable loners of all.”
“If someone tells you you're not beautiful, turn around and walk away so they canhave a great view of your fabulous ass.”