“Your mother dresses you funny!”
“Really, if that’s the case, you need to stop letting your mother dress you funny. It’s hard to take anyone serious as a killer when he looks like an investment banker. The only part of me that’s nervous is my checkbook. (Kat)”
“When you die, you’ll be wearing your white dress with red roses, and your hair will be long and falling around your shoulders. When they shoot you, up on your damn roof or walking alone on the street, your blood will look like another red rose on your dress, and no one will notice, not even you when you bleed out for Mother Russia.”
“Sonya's a real person, like your Mother. Thirty years ago, that was your Mother's biggest flaw in my eyes, and now that's the thing I love most about Sonya. It's funny how things end, isn't it?”
“You know I love you,' said the other mother flatly.'You have a very funny way of showing it,' said Coraline.”
“It would be silly for a demon to dress up and go trick-or-treating. What would I be anyways, a human girl? Ha, it’s funny. I kind of already am playing dress up. I get random treats, only to be taunted that they were but tricks. Turns out, it’s not so funny.”