“And so we place the burden of remaining pure on lesser shoulders? … Do you really believe the Jedi should be the tools of such frail [government] institutions?”- Jacen Solo”
“I don't know what I'll be in the future, Anakin, but I know you'll be a great Jedi Knight."- Jacen Solo”
“I only know that you can’t fight darkness with darkness. So maybe a Jedi shouldn’t fight violence with violence, either. Sometimes, I even think that the more you fight evil, the more you empower it.” -Jacen Solo”
“If someone is aiming a blaster at your ally, do you raise your ligthsaber to prevent it, or do you do nothing because a Jedi isn’t supposed to take aggressive action? I mean, where’s the line, Jacen? We’re in a war for survival , and defense sometimes means having to eliminate the opposition.” -Anakin Solo”
“Can't a Jedi Knight express himself around here anymore?" -Jacen"Of course, but half a dozen times should be sufficient." - Luke”
“we acknowledge love as a useful tool because we believe in the existence of pureness”