“Han?”“Yeah, sweetie.”“How do you teach a man not to be a noble, long-suffering, self-sacrificing idiot?”“I don’t know, sweetie. Mostly I shoot them.”“I’ll consider that.”
“I think buddy is man talk for sweetie.”
“Looks like I’ll be the one babysitting you all. (Jericho)It’s okay, sweetie. I make a mean Band-aid. (Delphine)”
“C’mon, sweetie, you can say it. (Delphine)(She moved his mouth playfully with her hands.)You don’t suck, Delphine. I…you. C’mon, Jericho. I only bite in the bedroom. You can do this. I know you’re not really mute. (Delphine)”
“Do people look the same when they go to heaven, mommy?""I don't know. I don't think so.""Then how do people recognize each other?""I don't know, sweetie. They just feel it. You don't need your eyes to love, right?”
“But sweetie, nothing says I love you like an erection.”