“The most diplomatic statement you can use for the person you hate:"If I would have water, and you would be on fire,...I would drink IT.”
“This is me, remember?" retorts Suze. "I know what you're like! You used to throw all your bank statements into the trash and hope a complete stranger would pay off your bills!" This is what happens. You tell your friends your most personal secrets, and they use them against you.”
“I have come to realise that your are the most important person in the world to me, and I wanted to know if you would consider... if you would do me the honour of becoming my wife”
“Meatloaf is meatloaf is not a true statement. You can have gravy on top, ketchup on top, and don’t forget you can also have love on top--however, you must understand that I would do anything, but I won’t do that.”
“While I hate to ever lose a supporter, I've come to realize that one who would abandon me over a single statement or decision I made is a person who would abandon me sooner or later anyway.”
“Your trousers are on fire. I would have told you, but you so dislike advice...”